The piriformis is an important muscle in helping to rotate your hip and turn your foot and leg outward. It’s a part of the muscle group referred to as the “lateral hip rotators.” When the piriformis m
alive Editorial
Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the wrists and hands. The condition is caused by compression of the median nerve in the wrists. Specific exercises may help r
Many of us reach for the medicine cabinet whenever we have a headache, toothache, or any other pain. While most medications are safe, there is always the risk of drug interactions and side effects. Th
The vegan lifestyle can sound extreme to people who are not familiar with it. After all, it involves cutting out so many different foods and products. However, many people are surprisingly close to be
Not surprisingly, people living in the healthiest cities in the U.S. share some common characteristics thanks to their access to quality healthcare, nutritious food sources, clean air, accessible work
Long and luxurious eyelashes have been beauty staples for centuries. Whether it\’s mascara, temporary lashes, or eyelash curlers, we are always finding ways to enhance our lashes.
Semi-permanent eyelas -
Cortisol is a hormone that the adrenal glands release during stressful moments to help manage these specific instances. However, the body often releases cortisol when it is not necessary, leading to u
Gua sha is a technique involving the scraping of a blunt tool across the skin. Proponents tout the technique’s ability to release unhealthy matter from sore or injured muscles and promote cell repair
The entries are in, and they\’re looking good. Now it’s up to you! We\’re pretty excited about all the fantastic products that have been entered in the 2021 alive Awards. But we need your help to determ
A fast-approaching deadline. The first tickly signs of a cough. Spilled coffee all over your new white sweater. Sources of stress are everywhere these days. If your life has been feeling extra hectic,