Used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, astragalus is an adaptogen that comes from the root of a plant. Today, it’s often used to support immune and overall health. Astragalus comes as a l
While we pay close attention to our body’s detox systems and work to support them through lifestyle choices, how many of us are thinking of detoxing our brains too? Here are some helpful detox tips to
Last year, researchers completed the first-ever in-depth study to analyze how Canadian children’s diets ranked against Health Canada’s newest nutritional recommendations. The results reveal that we ha
Tasting words, seeing voices, and feeling sounds is normal for people with synesthesia. This cognitive trait occurs when a stimulus activates two or more senses. For example, a synesthete might hear “
The complexities of the human brain can leave both a scientist and layperson a tad awestruck. Research is beginning to elucidate the fascinating connections between everyday experiences of fatigue, in
Approximately 2.3 million vegetarians and more than 850,000 vegans reside in Canada, the majority living on the West Coast (BC). Not only have plant-based options expanded rapidly in grocery aisles, b
Spring is when many bird enthusiasts top up their feeders in hopes of attracting an array of birdlife. Whether you’re an avid birdwatcher or not, it’s quite lovely to see our feathered friends flitter
In 2020, a review of studies explored the effect of cannabidiol (CBD), the non-intoxicating cannabinoid derived from Cannabis sativa, on sports performance. Their conclusion? “Cannabis has been report
Whether you’re 40 or 65, eating a variety of whole foods will benefit you for years to come. As you continue to age, however, your body just can’t absorb some nutrients from food as well as it did yea