Nutritionist, Stripped

by Colleen Grant

Nutritionist, Stripped

As a dietitian with millions of fans, McKel Hill offers a stripped-down approach to wellness through her website Nutrition Stripped.

One glance at McKel\’s bio reveals that she, like many of us, is incredibly busy. But her Instagram (@nutritionstripped) is a testament to the balanced lifestyle she touts: It’s full of smoothie bowls, shots of her workouts and the occasional (matcha) donut. How does she do it? Here, McKel reveals some of the secrets to her enviable wellness routine.
Plus, she’s sharing a pizza recipe unlike any you’ve seen before. No cheese or pepperoni here—just layers of plant-based goodness.

What’s your go-to weekend workout?

I love working out. Truly, I’m one of those people who need to work out not only to feel strong, but also as part of my mental/emotional/spiritual practice. On the weekends, I love a good long run, where I’ll typically do a form of what I call “running meditation.” It completely grounds and centers me for the week ahead. In addition to running, I’ll swim laps and walk my pup Luna!

Favorite plant-based source of protein?

I’ve loved spirulina since college when I first tried it—I’ll add a couple of tablespoons to my morning Stripped Green Smoothie to really up the plant-based protein and minerals.

Any supplements you swear by?

As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I respect that supplements have their place in our diets, but they’re not a necessity for everyone. We should aim to get as many of our nutrients from whole food sources and actually through eating food.

Supplements can be beneficial for giving you a boost of certain nutrients you may be lacking or don’t always have access to, like omega-3 fatty acids or probiotics; vegans, for example, should be supplementing with at minimum vitamin B12. Take-home point: supplements are meant to supplement your already great eating habits!

Top tip for work-life balance?

Since I founded Nutrition Stripped in 2013, my business has grown exponentially, which is incredible. But with that, I’m tested every day on my practice of work and life balance. I maintain it through several things: knowing my non-negotiables, prioritizing my time through planners and online productivity tools, leaning on my team to delegate so I can create and reminding myself that freedom, joy and contribution are my three pillars of success.

Favorite (naturally) sweet treat?

Good old dark chocolate … specifically in my Salted Caramel Brownies in the Nutrition Stripped cookbook!

Favorite recipe from the gorgeous Nutrition Stripped cookbook?

You have to try the Beetroot Burgers with gluten-free Sesame Buns. This one is a crowd-pleaser, and it’s so fun to highlight how delicious eating plant-based proteins and making burgers from scratch can be.

Have any pets? (Possibly an adorable Samoyed?)

Yes! Our little pup Luna just turned one in January, and she’s the most incredible pup ever. She not only keeps us on our toes with walks and activity—the Samoyed breed is incredibly active, mentally and physically—but she is also the sweetest, happiest, cuddle-loving pup. You’ll never see Luna without the Sammie smile on her face!

Travel destination you’d love to check out?

On our travel list are Germany, Copenhagen, Holland and Denmark—happening this year, followed by India in 2018, hopefully! I visited Thailand in 2015, and it was the best travel experience thus far. I love soaking in other cultures’ ways of living, food and atmosphere.

Favorite ritual to renew and relax after a long day?

At all times, I have a stack of about 20 books I’ll read. My goal is to read one book a week [with] self-development, spirituality, nutrition (of course) and business!

And lastly—any key personal or professional goals for 2017?

Tons! Each year around December and January, I’ll create new personal intentions—for example, how can I be a more engaging leader/dietitian/partner/sister/friend/et cetera? I follow up by evaluating my three- to five-year business plan and model and go from there!

For 2017, my professional goals are all about organizing and streamlining my passions and growing from there. My personal goals are all centered on spending less time working and more time enjoying the people/places/experiences I love.

Want more from McKel?

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Zucchini Pizza Crust With Lemony Pea Pesto

PORTRAITS BY Kelsey Cherry, FOOD PHOTO BY Katie Newburn

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